Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Over the River and Through the Woods

Okay...so it has literally been five weeks since I blogged. I think I was beginning to procrastinate it along with a whole list of other to do's. But this is supposed to be FUN...so here goes. It's almost the middle of December and I still have not blogged about Thanksgiving. WARNING! The following posts may be very boring, but I'm in a hurry and have little time to embellish. I must get through November so I can move on to December!

The weekend before Thanksgiving we drove to Memphis. The girls played in a soccer tournament. My parents kept the boys in Little Rock, but drove to Memphis Saturday morning for one game. Chris, my brother, and the boys curled up in the back seat of the Malibu. Poor Uncle Chris became a very handy pillow. And I think he loved every minute of it. Isn't he adorable? I love him.After the Tournament all four kids stayed in Little Rock and Todd and I drove back to NWA so that he could work a few days before Thanksgiving.

Here's what my children did while they enjoyed their vacation from mom and dad:
Stayed up way too late playing video games.

Stayed up way too late playing with the pups.

And just stayed up way too late...and were exhausted. They hung out at Hearts and Hooves and watched Chris ride his favorite horse Lloyd.
They walked the Big Dam Bridge (which crosses the Arkansas river)with Grandpa, while mom tried to be comforted by the fact that no one has actually fallen off the bridge, unless you count the drunk guy who climbed over the side. I survived outings with my dad, so surely my children would too.

They played Pilgrims and Indians with hats Grandma helped them make. I'm not sure if Connor was a turkey, or playing Star Wars at this point, but needless to say, they enjoyed stringing him up and carrying him around like a piece of meat (they did have his hands tied together, and his feet tied together, but for this picture they had already removed his ropes.)

Pumpkin pie anyone?

They scratched each other's back.

They also made a little money. Grandpa put them to work raking leaves. All Connor asked for in exchange were 100 shiny pennies. Grandpa was happy to oblige!
OH, and don't forget what they did after they piled up all the leaves!
A swan dive!
I think it's safe to say, "Everyone had a GREAT time!" I'm so grateful that they have grandparents who are a part of their lives and adore them so much. They are blessed.


Sarah said...

what a fun and carefree break for the kids....you can just SEE how happy they were! i (HEART) Chris.

banananutmeg said...

The turkey picture is classic. You should blow it up and frame it to put out with fall decorations for thanksgivings to come. Your kids are awesome.

Amy said...

so glad to see you blogging again Court. thanks for the update.
Merry Christmas!