Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Are You Kidding Me??

I've just got to pose a question. Is there some kind of internal rule book that tells girls that when they turn twelve it its mandatory to primp for an hour in the bathroom before attending a YW's activity? Because my newly turned 12 year olds are primping...they don't even wear make up...what is there to primp?

They are primping before their first YW Wednesday night activity. They've never even been to an activity. How do they know that's what girls do before a Wednesday night activity? Well, I mean, that's what other girls do..I never did that! Oh we go!

By the way...I've got tons of Christmas stuff to post. It may not get posted until July, but it will be blogged about, eventually.


banananutmeg said...

They are SO CUTE! I love them! I did feel awful that tonight's activity was creating and performing DANCES. Nothing like social drowning to welcome in new beehives! It was like throwing them into the lions den. They did great though!

And yes...I have captured the whole thing on video, in case you want to spy. call me!

Sarah said...

Just wait for their first dance. Hopefully big bangs wont be back in style by then....Todd would NOT approve of hairspray all over the wood floors.

I heard Banananutmeg did dancing queen at the activity??? Wonder how long SHE primped???? :)

banananutmeg said...

In my defense..KIM and JOCELYN brought the music and choreography! I do sing a mean ABBA though...

Sarah said...

They may have brought the music....but YOU brought it. You are the dancing queen.You. I remember the little Mexican who was gazing at you in the corner that night you performed at the bar....and I am sure you were just as glamorous last night....only it was 12 year olds gazing as opposed to the sassy little meh-hee-con-o.

Martindale News said...

You are in trouble, wait until they are 16. Cute girls hard to believe they are 12!