Sunday, October 12, 2008

My Little Runaway

This afternoon Connor came to the conclusion that he didn't want to live with us anymore. He decided it was time he found his own place. Not knowing what to do or say, I decided to play along. I informed him that was fine, but he needed to pack his things and find a place to live. I was busy making dinner so I was not available to help him house hunt. I asked him to at least take my phone number with him so that he could call me when he got to his new home.
With the help of his eager sister he got his things packed...sleeping bag, toys, bread, cheese, water, pillow, moccasins (what?), and back pack. He finally decided that the back porch would suit his needs. And off he went into the wide, wide world.

Life was great! He enjoyed the serenity of his new place. His new found independence was invigorating.

He LOVED his new bathroom! (Don't worry, this was posed...I didn't take a picture of the actual act.)

His new bed was quite cozy and he had his most valued toys keeping him company.

All in all things seemed to be going well for him. He announced he would be sleeping in his new house...he was NOT afraid of the bears. Also, living on his own meant he did not have to go back to school. I told him I was proud of his bravery. I agreed that he didn't have to go to school, but the police would come and get him if he did not return to Kindergarten...seeing how it's against the law to skip school and all. I also asked that he knock anytime he wanted to come into my house. He wondered if I would be delivering dinner to him in his new home. "No," I said, "but you are welcome to join us for dinner."

So, after realizing I was fine with his absence from our home, and after knocking several times to be allowed in, I wasn't surprised when he whispered in my ear at dinner, "Umm, mom, I want to come home. I almost cried when I left." I hugged him tightly and told him I'd missed him and was sooo glad he was coming home.

The prodigal son, has returned!


banananutmeg said...

So glad he came home! Maybe tomorrow he'll make his own bed, or remember to flush the toilet, or put away his own laundry...or something equally amazing for you to remind you that "your house" is a pretty nice place to stay.
The peeing picture is awesome.

Amy said...

what a great thing to record and remember. Thanks for sharing Courtney.

Amy said...

btw, I tagged you on my blog...7 things.

mom said...

Okay, I'm going to try this again. I think Connor is the cutest, funniest grandson that I know. I love that boy. You can just see oneriness in his cute little face. I told you, he is is mother's son. Love ya.

mimisuu said...

I love the way you handled this. Can you come down and handle a little situation with my 13 year old? I can't take it any more!!!!!!! Isn't it great to know that they can be upset, but there is nothing like the comfort of family and home to bring them back?