Sunday, September 14, 2008

Dinner and a Show

Since the boys were itty bitty they have never been able to sit still while they eat. They are constantly up and down, standing in their chairs, or doing little demonstrations. I'm not sure we ever make it through an entire meal with their bootys in the chair the entire time. Most nights consist of me and Todd taking turns saying, "sit down. sit down, boys. you need to sit down. SIT DOWN!!!!"

Tonight the main event was really my fault. Colin was demonstrating an oompah-loompah from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory...he was doing so with impeccable timing and stage presence! So, I said, Colin you should be in the movies. Would you ever want to take dance? He proceeded to show me his ballet and hip hop moves. What a funny guy. Yes, this was all in the middle of dinner, I'm not sure Todd was amused, but hey, the boys have got moves, I had to capture them!

Well, like any other younger brother, Connor couldn't be out done. So, he joined in.

1 comment:

Paprika said...

Okay, so I am like WAY behind- but that is hilarious!! Colin is so lanky! I think they should try modern dance, so they can train with mia michaels.
And...Connor cracks me up with providing his