Sunday, September 28, 2008

What in Da' World?

Here's a little guessing game for you.

What happened?

A. The cat coughed it up

B. Todd shaved his back again

C. The Jackson 5 had a waxing party in my kitchen

D. My black bitch finally got shaved (it's not a bad word if you're talking about a canine is it?)

E. Sasquatch got a Brazilian

And the answer is....drum roll....

Meet Georgie. Georgie is my 1 year old Standard Poodle. Georgie and I have a bit of a love-hate relationship. She is a very cool dog. She's just what I wanted....problem is...she's just what I wanted. She's pretty bouncy and energetic and kinda crazy! She used to drive me REALLY crazy, but she's maturing and we have a little more love now, as opposed to the hate.

Poor Georgie's hair has been so neglected...for months. I should've taken a before shot...but I just couldn't bear it. I gave her a three hour shave tonight...I still haven't finished her feet. Alas, there she is in all her gnappy headed glory. She really is a sweet pup.

Oh, and Georgie, I'm so sorry about that chunk I took out of your ear. I'm glad the bleeding finally stopped. Please forgive me, and I'll consider forgiving you for pooping in the house yesterday.

"I have absolutely NO idea what you're talking about."

(I would like to thank my consultant, "the three bears" for adding to the humor of this post. I wonder if anyone will ever want to eat in my kitchen again???)


banananutmeg said...

Courtney-thank you for not giving your poodle one of those pompadour hair cuts with the weird muffin-top lumps of fur on the butt. I like your poodle that much more-just because she isn't sporting that "I'm better than all the other dogs" hairstyle. Georgie looks nice. Please mop your floor. :o)

Sarah said...

I hate Georgie. She is a bitch. I only have room in my heart for one dog - Abbey! So tell Georgie she can get shaved, paint her nails, brush her teeth, OR do a little dance with a hula hoop.....but she will never be anything but a bitch to me. LONG LIVE ABBEY!

Britney said...

Of course we remember you! I can't believe how big your kids are. I think I remember you having one boy, but you must have had the other one after you left Conway. Didn't you guys move to Little Rock? Is that where you are now? That's crazy that you know Josie. She was in our BYU married student ward, and as you probably know, she's from Cincinnati which is where we now live. It's a small world. Well, thanks for saying hi, and I hope things are going well for all of you!

Courtney said...

Now Sarah, you know that Georgie never had a chance because of your family's "issues" with "Black" poodles. I think you are judging her a little harshly. You've never had a chance to bond because of your inability to touch her afro mane. Plus, we all know that you and Abby have a "special" relationship...she does love it when you spoon her. LOL!!!!

Britney said...

I totally missed the Bella Vista part of your comment, so disregard my question about where you live now. haha

Sarah said...

I think you just wanted to test the bonds of our friendship. You KNEW I hate black bitches....the dog kind....I'm quite fond of the human kind (especially when they snap in a "z"). You KNEW I had to wade - knee deep- through poodle hair when going visitng teaching. You KNEW my issues. But NO! I just need a black poodle because I already have a white one. It's not just her color - its the way she sticks her dripping wet nose right in my face every time I sit down - the way she frantically runs around and knocks over my children - and that NASTY phalic tail of hers that you INSIST on shaving in the shape of a penis. Having black fur is only the cherry on top. And yes, Abbey is special. We DO spoon on Todd's side of the bed while he's at work - and share an ocasstional ice cream cone. Georgie needs to go back to Doggie Harlem. Don't fly her, bus her, or drive her. Just strap your TOMTOM to her back and tell her skanky butt to get on down the road.